After connecting the power supplies to the AC mains, the controller will automatically turn on, followed by liquid cooling system self-diagnosis. This is the preliminary stage, performed only when the cooling system is powered for the first time or after power loss recovery.
When the сooling system is powered, the self-diagnostic procedure begins and the display shows:
Self-diagnostic progress is shown on the display:
Upon successful completion of the self-diagnostic procedure, the display shows:
Further on, the unit goes into standby mode.
In case of error detection or occurrence, the display cyclically shows information about the error itself and the following message and proceed to error display:
When non-critical errors occur that allow further use of the equipment
When critical errors occur that prevent further operation of the equipment until the malfunction is fixed
To turn ON the liquid cooling system PRESS and HOLD BOTH buttons.
The hint is shown on the display after self-diagnostic has completed and the device is in a stand-by mode.
To shut down the device PRESS and HOLD BOTH buttons. Press NEXT>> (PB2) button to submit shut down.